Kubanvodproekt JSC is a highly professional organization capable of performing complex projects and developing promising technical solutions for industrial and civil, water management facilities, gas industry facilities, engineering networks and complex engineering surveys in accordance with current regulatory documents and the wishes of customers.

The organization consists of 17 production units united by a single information and technical base. When performing design and survey work, special programs are used to ensure the precise execution of technology and techniques based on system licensed software.

The Institute has certificates of admission to perform design and survey work of an increased level of responsibility, mainly for all types of work in accordance with Order No. 624 of 30.12.2009 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Kubanvodproekt JSC has sufficient technical equipment with measuring instruments and devices, vehicles and drilling rigs, office premises. The Institute has a quality management system certified for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO9001-2008). This allows you to carry out work on the design of buildings and structures, gas industry facilities, land reclamation, snowmaking, water supply and sanitation, engineering surveys and hydraulic structures efficiently and on schedule.

The organization's specialists provided technical assistance and participated in the design of water reclamation facilities in Cuba, Hungary, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Mozambique, Madagascar, Syria, Angola, Algeria and other countries.

The Institute has its own trademark.

Our guarantees

We have been working since 1929

A few words about the vast work experience and the fact that the company has already turned 92 years old!

Our customers
